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Missions I am working on now (therefore you'll eventually find some buggs):
securymax is a close protection and security agency based in Courchevel, Megève and Saint Tropez. I am rebuilding its website and make a Search Engine Optimization job on the new one.
high standart luxury 4 stars chalet rental in between annecy'lac and the aravis ski resorts (la clusaz, la grand bornand).Website incuding video visit trough a flash multitrack player.
Search engine Optimization job.

A few past missions :
bumtribe is a true handcrafted ski maker based in the eart of the french alps, near chamonix.
Implementation of a CMS in php language.
graphical interface runned by css stylesheets. . flash banner with video, implementation of a javascript multitracks flv video player . Course about how to update the website.
Clean redirection from the old version of the website, to the new one.
google positionning and SEO realised with success.
tree houses for rental.
strict xhtml website designed with a css 2.0 stylesheet, enriched architecture for an optimum search engine positionning. Ajax, php and flash pictures galery installation . installation and design of a blogg (wordpress).
hotel restaurant based in la clusaz, french alps , aravis mountain range.
migration to a new server. DNS redirection of the domain name.
Implementation of a CMS in php language.
graphical interface runned by css stylesheets. . flash banner with video, integration of a javascript multitracks flv video player . integration of a flash+ajax picture galery.Course about how to update the website.
Clean redirection from the old version of the website, to the new one.
google positionning and SEO mission realised with success.
seminars, coaching, team building organisation .
Implementation of a CMS in php language.
graphical interface runned by css stylesheets. . flash banner with video, implementation of a javascript multitracks flv video player . Course about how to update the website.
Clean redirection from the old version of the website, to the new one.
google positionning and SEO missions realised with success.

Keramik verkstad i västernorrland, sverige.
Verdenet consulting is a small computering consult structure based in Switzerland. They install SAP solution (intranets, database driven applications) for companies like ROLEX. they decided to trust me for their website which is going to be a Content Managing System with a forum accessible by mobile phone.
Layers firm based in Lyon, France
ski and snowboard school, team building, seminars...
tree houses for rent.
offpist ski guiding in aravis range, french alps.
alpinism, ski, snowboard shop.
restaurant on the slopes of la clusaz, french alps.
ski and snowboard school.
hotel, restaurant in la clusaz, french alps.

Personnal projects:
Dissidents athletes, medias galeries, web-zine (mountain, ecology, geopolitricks...).

Creation date : 18/05/2006 @ 14:26
Last update : 12/11/2012 @ 13:25
Category : Clients
Page read 16838 times

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