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Internet and web 2.0 - CMS / Portal websites

CMS or communities website, or portal, or blogs are databased websites, that can can have one or numerus redactors, administrators and members who can contribute in many different ways to the power of the website (redaction of articles, participation to forum, etc.)

you are right now navigating on the Portal vesion on you get it?

this kind of website is very usefull for collectivities, tourist offices, non profit organisations that need to inform, share information, and make people participate.

A wild number of functions can be add to a CMS type website (pictures galeries, sondages, downloading sections, etc...). it is possible for the super administrator (you) to establish hierarchies of administartors and/or redactors, and to give each of them a certain amount of power ( power to write aticle, to validate articles or new users, to delete this or that).

CMS are very often used by press agencies, newspapers, politicians, or non profit oarganisations , but their application field is huge, especially since their cost has pull down these past monthes. The fact that the cost of CMS developing has been pulled down allows small freelance companies likemine to propose you this fantastic tool at an affordable price.

Like with my web shops, and my web media store, I work with scripts based on SQL databases powered by php language. The one you can see as an example is based on a script named Guppy, but I also work with scripts like SPIP, XOOPS, MAMBO/JOOMLA , according to what is best for you.

Creation date : 18/05/2006 @ 14:47
Last update : 15/05/2012 @ 18:05
Category : Internet and web 2.0
Page read 12510 times

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