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google.gifClients - SEO and GOOGLE positionning

Sorry, this page hasn't been updated recently...I am working on it.

My last client was a mountain guides structure in Chamonix called mountain guide adventure, France. I worked for them in november 2007, and the results are fantastic, especially when you take in consideration that chamonix is the spot number 1 in the world for mountain climbing, so the concurence is heavy on search engines...just go o google and'll find them in the first page on most of mountain activities.
i am quite proud of this job.

Here are the results I got on GOOGLE the past years: (ceramic producer in Sweden)
August 2006 : website was not indexed by search engines.
end of september: Website completly rebuilt by me, indexed by google on its name (clic here to check), first page google sweden on expressions: "hantverk keramik "(handmade ceramic:clic here to check), "foretag present" (business present) clic here to check, (ski school of 150 ski instructors)
first page on expressions "seminars french alps"; (clic here to check), "ski school french alps" (clic here to check), "snowboard lesson french alps", and many other majors expression both in french and in english language; on google france, and (an alpine woodwork specialist)
December 2005:
his websits was not existing on search engines.
Februar 2006: Website completly rebuilt by me, indexed by google on its name (clic here to see), first page for the expressions"mobilier alpin" (click here to see) for the expression "meubles savoyards" (Click here to see).These are major french expression according to this man's activity, and with french language and the wood market, I am in conccurence with all the canadian webmasters. (structure regrouping french ski instructors and cameramen situated in french alps)
September: site inexisting on search engines.
Since october: first page google on expressions like "ski guiding la clusaz" (click here to see) ,"ski guiding france" (click here to see). (structure regrouping french ski and paragliding instructors situated in french alps).
Januar 2006: site inexisting on search engines.
Februar : website completly restructurd by me indexed by google on its name (click here to see ), and on "aravis ski parapente"(click here to seer) first page google on 'expression "parapente dans les aravis"(cliquez ici pour voir), and on expression "séjours parapente dans les aravis" (click here to see).



Creation date : 18/05/2006 @ 17:34
Last update : 12/11/2012 @ 13:25
Category : Clients
Page read 12565 times

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